Scale of The Great Highland Bagpipe (GHB).

Work in Progress (WIP)

One Octave of the GHB.

Definition of music.  A tone or frequency that sounds pleasant to the human ear.
Definition of one octave: The distance between one note and the next note bearing its same name.
Definition of GHB Notes: Low G, Low A, B, C, D, E, F, High G, High A.

Question:  Using any musical, which note is the starting note of the octave?

Therefore, by definition, one octave of the GHB is from Low G to High G. Count of 7 notes.  With most instruments and in music theory students are taught that one octave consists of 12 notes. Six whole tones and six non-whole (#) tones.  Together, these make up 12 notes, also referred to as 12 semitones.

Notes, C, C# ,D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A#, B, C.  Whole notes C,D,E,F#,G#,A#,C

The GHB consists of seven (7) notes in one (1) Octave.  Why is this important to know?  The GHB is based off of what is known as the Pentatonic Scale

Caption John A. MacLellan
Ewam MacPherson, 1998

ItemNoteHzDiffComment – William Cawthon 1970Diff 2
Base Drone1115.25 =0.25
Tenor Drone2230.5 =0.5
1LOW G414.90  
2LOW A4601.00Consider the CHTR Base Use=1.0
4C5751.25 =2.0
6E6901.50 =3.0
7F7591.65 NORMAL 
 F8051.75PB? CHECK THIS OUT FOR “F”=4.0
8HIGH G8281.80  
9HIGH A9282.00 =5.0